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How can Hypnobirthing help me?


Hypnobirthing Australia™ provides a uniquely Australian hypnobirthing childbirth education course which draws upon the teachings of many natural birthing advocates from throughout the world across history is the most up-to-date hypnobirthing program available.
All participants are provided with a professionally printed folio of resources. In addition to this, you receive several professionally recorded Australian accent practice tracks, an eBook & practice videos to assist you in your preparation for a beautiful, calm and positive birth.

The course and techniques are all designed for Australian mothers and their birth partners; and our models of maternity care. The modern, up-to-date birthing videos that are shown in classes are recent and from Australia (some are even from Ipswich!).
My aim is to empower you with an understanding of your body, information about your options, and the practical skills to have a positive birth – whatever that means to you!

Hypnobirthing is about becoming more aware of your body and your baby and being prepared to calmly meet whatever turn your birthing takes. Hypnobirthing classes will completely change your perception of birth; removing the association of labour and pain, releasing your fears, and giving you the evidence-based information you need to approach your birth with excitement and a
comprehensive understanding of the processes happening within you.


What is covered in the course?

Throughout our classes we will cover the mind-body connection, creating a calm birth space, preparing your body for birth, bonding with your baby, breathing techniques, birth preferences, positions for labour and birth, self-hypnosis techniques, and so much more!

Here is a brief outline of what we cover in our classes:

Creating & maintaining a positive mindset


The mind-body connection

What is self-hypnosis?

Hormones of birth

Birth physiology (in depth)

The affect of Fear on birth


Creating a positive birth environment

Our toolkit for birth


Self-hypnosis tracks



Self-hypnosis triggers and anchors

Massage techniques

Breathing techniques




Preparation & choices for empowered birthing

Bonding with baby

Birth preferences

Informed decision making (also in depth)

Common interventions and procedures

Birth partner's role

Variations of normal in pregnancy and birth

Optimising Baby's position for birth

Deep relaxation and meditation techniques

Birth – bringing it all together

Signs of labour

What to expect in labour

Waterbirth and warm water immersion

Positions for labour and birth

Special circumstances (including caesarean birth)

Fear release

What to expect after birth


Rehearsal for Birth

When should I start?


The optimal time to start classes is anywhere between 20 weeks to 34 weeks, however it is never too late - I have taught couples at 38 weeks who have gone on to have very positive births! I have also taught clients who have chosen to start earlier due to their individual circumstances - there is no right or wrong way to do Hypnobirthing!


Due to availability, private classes are limited.


If there are special circumstances you would like to discuss, or you are past 34 weeks pregnant, please contact me to organise an option to suit you.


When is payment required?


An initial, non-refundable deposit of $150 is due at the time of enrolment in my class to secure your booking and resources. Full payment is required no later than 7 days prior to commencement of our first session. If there are special circumstances that you would like to discuss, please feel free to contact me to work out an individualised payment plan. Direct Deposit or PayPal is the preferred method of payment. Credit card is also accepted.



What will I need for my classes?


Please bring your folio (which will be given to you at your first session) to every class. If you have a birth partner completing the course with you, bring them along too! Everything else will be provided to you.



Do I need to have a Birth Partner to do Hypnobirthing?


Hypnobirthing classes are structured in such a way that the birth partner is encouraged to attend. The partner’s love and support throughout pregnancy and during birth, provide valuable reassurance and bonding in preparation for the birth of your baby and pending parenthood. However, in saying this, many women practice hypnobirthing without a hypnobirthing trained birth partner. All of the mindfulness techniques taught in our classes are able to be performed within yourself, and the partner scripts are already provided on the tracks provided during the course or can be recorded in your own voice. While the birth partner is considered an important role in our program, there are many circumstances in which a birth partner will not be present. You are never really solo on this birth journey though; your baby is always with you.



What if I birth before completion of my course?


If your baby is born before you have completed your course a partial refund will be provided. The birth of your baby should be a joyous and relaxing experience, and I will endeavour to make your transition as smooth as possible. Please be prompt in informing me of your exciting change in circumstances to allow me to process your refund efficiently.



What if I need to have a Caesarean or intervention? Is Hypnobirthing for me?


Your baby knows the safest way to be born. Sometimes, a caesarean section or other medical intervention is necessary for the safety of you and your baby. Hypnobirthing teaches you to calmly face whatever turn your birthing takes. The relaxation techniques are transferable, regardless of where, when, and how you give birth. The course covers a lot of information to enable you to make informed choices when it comes to your birth.

There is also an affirmation track and Change of Circumstances course specifically designed for women needing to birth via planned caesarean.

If you have special circumstances, the Private Classes ma be for you. We will tailor your course to suit you and your individual needs and can alter the focus of the program throughout the course if your circumstances require.


Is Hypnobirthing just for first time mums? What if I want a VBAC?

Many of my clients are actually not first time mums! Some have felt like they wanted a few more tools for their next birth despite having a positive experience for their first birth. Others had a negative or even traumatic previous birth and wanted to ensure that the experience was not repeated.
Even if you have plenty of experience (I have taught midwives, neonatal nurses, and experienced birthing mums), whether this is your first, second, or even your fifth baby, there is something for everyone in this course. 


Does private health cover reimburse for hypnobirthing classes?

The short answer is it depends on your private health cover.
I have an Provider number as a Midwife so some health cover providers are willing to accept claims, while others will not. 
And of course if you need any help or any supporting documentation to proceed with your claim, simply ask and I will send them through!

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Hypnobirthing Australia Mother Moon
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© 2020 by Mother Moon Hypnobirthing. Hypnobirthing Australia Ipswich, Brisbane, Springfield and surrounds. 

Images by Lily Fern Photography, Olive Juice Lifestyle, and Madi Lee Photography.

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