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The Birth of Anayra

When my mucus plug came out Harminder and I thought I’ll be meeting my sweet daughter really soon… little did I know I’ll be waiting another 2 weeks haha!

On the morning of Good Friday I started getting mild cramps. Using everything that I learnt from Jess’s hypnobirthing course I breathed and danced through the mild discomfort. I had lunch and tried to rest as much as I can. As the surges got stronger my sister supported me through it (Harminder was on his way back from work) with hot water bag on my lower bag and a yoga ball. I was also using a TENS machine.

Harminder massaged my acupuncture points and used soft touch on my neck through my surges.

I’m so thankful for the cheat sheet we wrote up from the hypnobirthing course- it was really useful for him.

At around 10pm when my surges were 3 minutes apart we decided to drive to the hospital.

The midwives at St Andrew’s Hospital had my birth preference (which I had provided during my last antenatal visit). They were very calm, dimmed the lights provided a yoga ball in the birthing suit and did not offer pain relief (as requested my birth preference). I was squatting and moving on the yoga ball in between every surge while Harminder used the hot water bag to help ease some pain on my lower bag.

The breathing exercises and affirmations got me through the whole journey.
Labouring woman squatting next to hospital bed using TENS machine

At 2.30am my membranes released. The surges were very intense after that. Breath work, moving, Harminder’s massages at my touch points and the TENs were helping get through each surge. My OBGYN was called when I started bearing down naturally, around 3.15am, and our sweet baby daughter was born at 4am.

Unfortunately we could not have skin to skin for as long as we wanted as bub needed support with her breathing. After Harminder cut the cord she was given oxygen with a neopuff to help her breathe.

We were very proud of our labour journey and was very pleased with our vaginal birth. Anayra Jaswal is our surprise Easter bunny who arrived at 37 + 5 weeks.

mother and father cuddling their new baby, proud of each other

Mama Jasila and Dad Harminder

Hypnobirthing Classes Mother Moon Hypnobirthing

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