"I was so calm no one realised I was progressing, so we ran out of time to set up our birth suite - but the birth was exactly what we wanted! Goosebumps!"

With an early arrival for our little hypnobirthing bundle, he surprised us arriving a week and a half early. weighing in at 6 pounds 12 ounces. We were so prepared to go over 40 weeks!
My labour and birth went really well!
My membranes released the day before. Very early the next morning my surges had started. At about 2am I was breathing through them and I was comfortable at home until about 2pm that day. At this stage it was all starting to feel real, however I felt calm heading into the hospital.
The surges in the car were tricky to handle as I struggled to sit down in the car seat.
By the time we had arrived at the hospital I walked in calmly, and the midwives had thought I wasn’t as far along in my labour as I was.
I agreed to a VE and was 5cm dilated. Within half an hour it became a more intense and I was moved from the assessment room to the birth suite.
By this stage unfortunately I didn’t have time to hang my lights and affirmations that I had brought with me, but I still had a positive mind and supportive partner to help me along the way!
By 10:30pm my baby boy arrived! A natural and all safe birth - not one issue happened. Looking back - it was exactly what I wanted so I had manifested it all and we can’t thank Jessica enough for all her hard work helping us work through fears. What I thought at the start of my pregnancy was scary, is actually what our bodies are designed to do and know exactly what to do. It was such a surreal feeling; honestly amazing. We are totally in love. The midwifes were absolutely amazing and I’m pleased I got to experience this natural birth as my first birth.